Conroe’s Winter Wonderland

Conroe, Texas – the last place you would think to find a winter wonderland.  Average temps in December are in the mid 60’s with plenty of sunshine.  Yet when you walked into the Lone Star Convention center for the Chamber’s membership campaign you were immediately swept into a blizzard…a blizzard of new members that is!

For three days there were near whiteout conditions with the fury of new members that were joining the Chamber.  They were coming from near and far, local and out of state because they heard the news – they heard “who” the Chamber was, what they have to offer and what they are accomplishing for the local business community.
In the midst of what you think is the busiest time of year – 180 volunteers pulled together to give the Chamber an amazing gift of talent, resources and of course their time.  The results were something to brag to Santa about – 220 New Members and over $121,000.00 in new dues revenue – that’s enough to make Santa’s elves sweat.
Congratulations and what a fabulous way to bring 2019 to an end.  With a new energy and more resources within their grasps – 2020 is poised to be an amazing year for the Conroe/Lake Conroe (TX) Chamber of Commerce.
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