91% Growth in Three Days!

91% growth in membership in 3 days…how many of us can say that about our organizations? The Sherwood Chamber of Commerce can.

In an effort to build their membership, build their Chamber, build their volunteer base and do it in the fastest most effective route possible – Kellie Wall, CEO of the Chamber partnered with Your Chamber Connection on the recommendation of a Chamber peer. “When I took this position I felt a disconnect with our city and from our community and I was given the idea of bringing in Your Chamber Connection by a mentor of mine. Initially I was questioned, people thought the idea was crazy but now to see the comradery and commitment from the business community this week has just blown me and everyone else away. We had a 91% increase in our membership in 3 days and I don’t think that has ever been done before. It has been an amazing experience!”

Colleen Carr shared with us, “As an Economic Development Director the education, awareness and the ability for volunteers who don’t normally understand what we do as a Chamber is invaluable. I have been taken back by the amount of education, entertainment and involvement that has been brought to our Chamber this week.”

174 new members and over $43,000.00 was raised in just 3 short days.  This is a message that will continue for months to come and we are excited to see their continued growth.

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