United We Grow! Corpus-Christi, TX

The City of Corpus Christi, Texas, was fortunate to have been served by two significant business organizations for over 100 years. In December 2015, the memberships of the 100-year-old Corpus Christi Chamber of the Commerce and the 78-year-old Corpus Christi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce reached a
conclusion of historic significance. In an overwhelming vote by both memberships, the two groups created one new and united organization to represent the entire Corpus Christi business community. This joining of rich histories, significant accomplishments and a commitment to board diversity with women and minority participation reflective of the community’s demographics and provides a cohesive voice for business. As the chief advocate for the entire business community.

For the first time since their merger the United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce (UCCCC) completed a three day membership campaign. 9 Chairs, 50 Captains and over 250 volunteers – it was phenomenal the way everyone came together to show their support of this amazing organization.  We were all inspired by the number of volunteers who were so focused, committed and understood the value of the UCCCC. The future of the Corpus Christi community is in good hands. The future leadership is in place, engaged and ready to continue moving us forward, in part, because of the education this program offered.

Through their efforts, they recruited 275 new members and raised an impressive $151,000.00!  Congratulations on your growth and we look forward to many more successful campaigns together!

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